When exiting some MGs, player faces random direction on exiting

Issue #159 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

An old bug, nothing new here.

Effects remote MG on StuH & late StuG, both half-tracks, bren carrier & Higgins boat.

Have fix, will commit. Just that it's tied up in loads of other MG fixes & other stuff - I'm picking my way through them all carefully, testing & committing different elements one at a time.

Comments (6)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    I'm not honestly sure !

    Looks like I've committed some MG rotation changes earlier. The remote MG on late StuG & StuH now seems fine, but the others still seem to have the problem.

    I'm sure I had this fixed for all MGs in the past. Mmmmm, may have some old code changes stashed.

  2. Colin Basnett

    Do this:

    Get into a vehicle with a top MG (StuH etc.) and pop out of the hatch. Note that the player is facing the wrong direction. If you pop-up and down from that driver position it will "fix" the rotation. This could have something to do with the rotation being incorrect when exiting the machine-guns.

  3. Matt Hands reporter

    Fixed in commit fdc3a61.

    The 4 affected MGs were the only multi-position MGs (or any VehicleWeaponPawn) that didn't have bPCRelativeFPRotation=true set in def props.

    bPCRelativeFPRotation means that PlayerController rotation is made relative to the vehicle's rotation. On exit, the vehicle's rotation is added to the PC rotation to restore it to 'world' rotation.

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