Early stug MG has moving player hit detection, but fails to lower this on server upon buttoning

Issue #161 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

Early stug MG has player hit detection that moves up and down with an unbuttoning/buttoning player. Hit detection consists of a collision box in the mesh and VehHitpoints in def props (position of head & torso).

On a dedicated server the player hit detection moves up when unbuttoning, but is not lowered upon buttoning up again.

Result is mismatch in positions between server & client, with incorrect hit detection & movement glitches when a player walks on the vehicle roof.

Comments (2)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    Most vehicles have static hit detection. Moving hit detection is generally better, but needs some special handling. Other vehicles with moving player hit detection either run state ViewTransition on the server when buttoning up or call AnimateTransiton (for open turreted vehicles), both of which play a down animation.

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