In turretless vehicles, commander is immune to possible crew kill by penetrating shell hit

Issue #163 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

Also, even in turreted vehicles, the commander is immune to possible crew kill from any penetration to the hull, which isn't realistic. But at least he can be killed by a turret penetration, which is impossible in a casemate style tank destroyer (stug etc).

And driver and machine gunner are similarly immune to possible crew death from a turret penetration.

In reality, I understand that tank penetration causes lots of nasty, jagged & very hot stuff to fly around inside the tank. Driver's area & turret are separated to some degree, but I don't believe are ever completely separated off.

Comments (5)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    Propose to deal with by making it so:

    • In turretless vehicle, all crew members have normal chance of crew kill (as they are all inside an overall hull space).

    • In turreted vehicle, hull penetration has half normal chance of killing commander (as he is somewhat separated in the turret).

    • In turreted vehicle, turret penetration has half normal chance of killing driver or hull gunner (as they are somewhat separated in the driver's compartment).

  2. Matt Hands reporter

    Might get it committed today, as have a couple of hours and am working through committing lots of interrelated vehicle stuff. If not, am taking a day off work this week, probably Wednesday, and will work solidly through that day.

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