Commander can come up off gunsights facing an apparently random direction

Issue #164 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

When transitioning up from a cannon gunsight position, commander may be facing the way he was looking before he moved down to the sights. This doesn't feel natural and the view direction can snap wildly.

Or, if player has moved mouse while on the gunsights, he can come up in an apparently random facing direction, which is worse. Mouse movement appears to be non-functional while on the sights, but actually the controller/weapon pawn rotation is being changed, moving the player's view somewhere else without him knowing that. Then, when he comes up off the sights, the new 'invisible' camera direction takes effect.

Comments (2)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    Fixed in commit df76534.

    Made it so when player moves up from gunsight, rotation is set to match the direction cannon is facing (feels more natural to come up from the cannon). Makes use of new MatchRotationToGunAim() function.

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