Player can spawn with 255 magazines of ammunition

Issue #176 resolved
Colin Basnett created an issue

This appears to only happen upon connecting and only selecting a spawn point and then hitting deploy. As soon as you change your spawn point or your role this will correct itself.

Comments (8)

  1. Andrew Theel

    This happens every time in MP environment, it's because the server thinks the value is 0. So it's not being set properly.

  2. Andrew Theel

    DHP.SpawnAmmoAmount = int(nu_PrimaryAmmoMags.Value); in DHRoleSelectPanel is not working as the variable is server to client replicated

  3. Andrew Theel

    It seems you removed my checks to make sure it doesn't exceed the weapon's MaxNumPrimaryMags

    GetSpawnTime does the check and ServerSetPlayerInfo calls it, so I can just set the value there

  4. Andrew Theel

    Okay I just tested in MP it should be fixed. I made it so the server sets the value and removed those client sets.

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