DHGermanCharactersTex.det_utx mismatches

Issue #219 resolved
Colin Basnett created an issue

From here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DHPrivateTesting#announcements/detail/234528063093097523


If I try to quick connect to the server, I get a "open url error / package dhgermancharacterstex wrong version" error message.

My workaround is to delete this file after the launcher has updated the files. But I have to do it everytime I run the launcher.exe. The launcher downloads the file everytime again.

Updating DHGermanCharactersTex.det_utx

Comments (6)

  1. Colin Basnett reporter

    We don't even carry this file on our SVN, so I'm not sure how this guy is needing the file? As far as I'm concerned we're not going to be managing these localized texture packages anyways.

    Best solution would be to simply duplicate our DHGermanCharactersTex.utx file and throw the localized extension at the end, so they are exactly the same and legacy installs will be fine.

  2. Andrew Theel

    Why have the file, this isn't really a fix. The file needs to not exist. I think that guy was the only one having the issue, probably he had some anti-virus stopping the tool from deleting files.

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