Screen message when trying to exit tank while buttoned includes [%NEXTWEAPON%]

Issue #305 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

Full message now reads "You must unbutton the hatch [%NEXTWEAPON%] to exit".

I've noticed recent changes that display the relevant key (e.g. Z to use) in some screen messages and it's an excellent feature that will help avoid new player frustration. But this one is bugged.

I can't see this defined anywhere and I'm guessing the key assignment is being picked up automatically from config. But whatever the cause, it's not working with mousewheel up.

Not sure who added the new feature & I'm hoping whoever did, who will be familiar with this functionality, can fix it. Or if it fundamentally won't detect mousewheel 'keys', then I guess it needs removing from the exit messages.

Comments (4)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    Fixed in commit 1835fd1.

    Have to pass Controller as OptionalObject in ReceiveLocalizedMessage() function call if you need to access a key lookup.

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