Mortar model does not show up when you first "enter" it

Issue #317 resolved
Colin Basnett created an issue

Deploy your mortar, hop off it, then hop on again. The 1st person visualization won't show up until you do something that triggers an animation (traversing, firing etc.)

Comments (4)

  1. Matt Hands

    Much better solution in commit a040439.

    Problem was that when player exits mortar, it goes to state 'Idle'. Then when player gets back on it, the entry code goes to state 'Idle', but because it was left in that state, nothing happens and the usual initial idle anim doesn't play on the 1st person HUDOverlay.

    Previously, even though a mortar is clearly single position, it was flagged as multi position, which made the client go to state 'EnteringVehicle', normally only relevant to multi position vehicles. Why that was working is because state EnteringVehicle sends the weapon pawn out of state when entry is complete - meaning going to 'Idle' is a state change and triggers Idle's beginning code, including the initial HUDOverlay idle anim.

    Now we avoid sending weapon pawn to state Idle when a player exits and instead send it out of state. That way, whenever anyone enters the mortar, the entry process sends it into new state 'Idle' and the initial anim plays.

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