Marder commander snaps to standing pose when fires cannon while crouched on gunsight

Issue #340 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

Cause: current RO code plays shoot 'open' firing animation if player's position is flagged as exposed (bExposed in DriverPositions), and shoot 'closed' anim if position is not exposed. Works in normal enclosed turrets.

Marder commander is marked exposed in all positions, which is logical. But that makes the 'open' firing anim play all the time and that anim has the commander in the standing pose.

Comments (2)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    I don't think it is a problem on the hellcat or any other open-tops, as they cheat by making the crouched commander not exposed, so the correct firing anim plays. I suspect your pic is perhaps caused by another attachment positioning bug (already logged), or maybe by using behind view in dev mode, as switching to BV doesn't show the correct player anims until he moves in BV.

    But anyway, bug is fixed as part of commit 32b347a.

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