Vehicle turrets are often slow to replicate

Issue #347 wontfix
Colin Basnett created an issue

Symptoms include tank hulls driving around with no turrets and HUD icons not displaying properly.

Comments (4)

  1. Matt Hands

    Yeah, it's always happened & I'm not sure what, if anything can be done about it. Cannon actors very rarely fail to replicate (no turret, very obvious). Cannon pawns I suspect more often - less obvious, an invisible actor. Think that was the cause of the very occasional bug where player couldn't (can't?) switch from driver to commander, as there was no cannon pawn on net client, so clientside checks prevented it - they shouldn't now.

    You can't make something replicate; you just try to ensure the right conditions are there for the server to decide it should replicate - mainly ownership & location. And as these things are set on the server, they are very unlikely to go wrong, i.e. clients may not get the correct variable properties, but the server should always have them.

    Probably going to be just one of those things about multi-player net experience. Theel mentioned we rented the most basic server box, with a view to scaling up if needed - I wonder if the server is just stressed beyond its limits, compared to beefier, more reliable servers typically operated by 29th, GG, RP, etc?

  2. Colin Basnett reporter

    As @Matt_UK said, this has always happened (in RO as well). Not sure we can sort this out in script.

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