Moving in certain direction while prone with the PIAT equipped triggers animation glitches

Issue #35 resolved
Colin Basnett created an issue

Comments (2)

  1. Matt Hands

    Another way of working around the missing crawl anims is to use the reverse of the anims that do exist (e.g. use forwards instead of missing backwards). This looks ok and the advantage is that the 1st person animation matches the 3rd person animation, i.e. with the PIAT held in one hand and dragged, instead of cradled in both arms like all the rocket weapons.

    These would be the defprops in class DH_PIATAttachment:

    //  Original PIAT attachment specifies C96 player crawl animations, which of which do not exist, so it spams error messages to the game log file
    //  To work around this we can use the reverse C96 player crawl animations, like this:
        PA_ProneAnims(1)="prone_crawlF_C96"  // using a forward animation in place of a backwards animation (which does not exist)
        PA_ProneAnims(3)="prone_crawlL_C96"  // using a left animation in place of a right animation (which does not exist) - looks passable but weaker than others
        PA_ProneAnims(6)="prone_crawlFL_C96" // using a forwards left animation in place of a backwards left animation (which does not exist)
        PA_ProneAnims(7)="prone_crawlFR_C96" // using a forwards right animation in place of a backwards right animation (which does not exist)
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