Several vehicles have poor player positioning and/or animation

Issue #367 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

See screenshots. There are quite a few others.

I did most of this a while ago but didn't get committed. At the time I was primarily fixing the 'hit points' for accurate hit detection, as many were way out. But that's redundant now for all except armoured fighting vehicle drivers, because we now use the new body location-based hit detection system, which is the same as for infantry pawns.

Comments (2)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    Fixed in commit 04cc189.

    Modified anim mesh for flak 36 88mm gun, to add crew seat with footrest, so gunner is no longer floating in the air (see screenshots).

    All other vehicle drivers, commanders and exposed machine gunners checked and updated, to get them positioned as well as possible. Absolutely fine is vast majority of cases, with a small number of compromises.

    Commented a couple of TODOs for future changes, generally reliant on a new/modified collision static mesh is made.

    Added binocs anim for all commanders.

    Removed unbutton/button anims where there isn't anything to suit the vehicle. RO vehicles have specific anims to that vehicle, but there are none for DH vehicles. Previously a badly matching RO unbutton/button anim was being used on a number of vehicles, but we're better of with a straight up/down transition, which looks much more natural and actually ok.

    Vehicles with RO button/unbutton anims still have the dodgy 'arm wave' anim when lowering from binocs. That's a trivial problem caused by driver transition anims being one way, which I can/will probably solve in future.

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