Voice chat no longer works correctly after 32 players and is broken for some players

Issue #373 on hold
Andrew Theel created an issue

Here are the issues:

  • Public and Local channels will break after 32 players are on the server (break for everyone).
  • It is perceived that players that join a server when it already had 64 players do not have the ability to talk or hear voice. And must reconnect once player count is below 64 to regain voice.


  • Stop local channel from breaking after 32 players. Public is of little concern.
  • Prevent any issue with a 64 player cap on voice chat
  • Stop any unnecessary network/server memory usage by creating private channels, unless we find a way to support them so players in a tank crew or squad can form their own channels. However it might be best to create a new entity that manages the "group" channel.

Comments (4)

  1. Matt Hands

    Kudos to anyone who can crack this; reliable local channel would be a great benefit to the game. You'd think it was something really obvious, but I've never seen it. I'm sure there's a static array of size 32 in there somewhere for local, but damned if I can see it.

    From memory, I think that once a server goes over 32 players, local channel never still doesn't work, even after it drops below 32.

    A vehicle voice channel would be a HUGE improvement !

    ps - this should presumably me marked as on hold, i.e. for future release?

  2. Matt Hands

    Noticed that in the DarkestHour.ini file there is this:


    Would like to try changing that on a server's .ini file. Problem is we'd need more than 32 players. Perhaps ask a server admin to try changing the setting on a public server, then check in 5.1 gameplay? If it is this, we don't need any code or file changes in 6.0 & it should be possible to test in 5.1. I guess we could amend the standard 6.0 .ini file settings with the release.

  3. Andrew Theel reporter

    That does not work. That is nothing to do with voice channels or voiceID. That is how many simultaneous sounds are allowed to play at once and is for clients. I don't think the server actually uses that at all.

    Yea we will put on hold after attempting a few simple fixes.

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