Bullet snap sounds to do not play from shots fired at close range

Issue #375 invalid
Andrew Theel created an issue

Bullet wizz sounds are working fine, however bullet snap/cracks are not. This needs fixed as a top priority.

Comments (9)

  1. Andrew Theel reporter

    I think it might be more than just the "sound" as the snap is supposed to move your screen and what not.

  2. Andrew Theel reporter

    This problem seems to be only for close proximity shots. Distant shots are working properly. Hope this helps.

  3. Matt Hands

    No, it's just a combination of existing DHBullet code that deliberately prevents bullet snap at close range (less than 20m), for realism:

                // Bullets only "snap" after a certain distance in reality, same goes here
                else if (BulletDistance < 20.0 && WhizType == 1)
                    WhizType = 2;

    ... and the fact that bullet pre-launch traces are now working as designed, & they also specifically avoid a bullet snap for the same reason (a PL trace being inherently short range):

    HitPlayer = ROPawn(Instigator.HitPointTrace(HitLocation, HitNormal, End, HitPoints, Start,, 0)); // WhizType 0 to prevent sound triggering, as it's close

    Probably the only noticeable difference is that when PL trace wasn't working, a bullet was always spawned & the DHBullet code only prevented snaps within 20m, while a default PL trace distance for rifles & all MGs (incl BAR, bren & FG42) is 44m (half that for SMGs & pistols, midway for Stg44). So now there may be an absence of snap for about double the distance, but only if the PL trace hits something & prevents a bullet from spawning.

  4. Matt Hands

    Correction, re the DHBullet part of the situation: the existing code does deliberately prevent bullets from snapping within 20m, but having followed through the code I see the WhizType of 2 will still trigger a bullet whiz sound. So the comment is saying that close bullets don't snap, but they still make a whiz sound.

    So the changes you've noticed recently are solely down to the fact that the pre-launch trace is now operating as designed - and it always passes a WhizType of 0 for no sound at all.

    I had intended to reduce the PLT distance down to 20m for all weapons, thinking that would match the "no snap" threshold in DHBullet. But now I realise DHBullet's no snap doesn't mean no sound, that isn't so relevant. We still want a PLT to do a bullet whiz sound if less than 20m. But be also need to know if it's friendly fire at less than 10m, otherwise nearby friendlies will get suppression effects. Now we can see why the original PLT designer just used WhizType 0 for no sound !!

    Checking and setting Whiz type can, I think, be added to PLT. I have sketched out an idea for reorganising the function, which I think would work. Or it could just be another nail in the coffin of PLT ........

  5. Andrew Theel reporter

    Okay well glad this was sorta a false report, but I think we should reduce the range that a snap doesn't appear, if we keep PLT that is.

  6. Andrew Theel reporter

    Invalid because it is an intended feature to where bullet snaps do not appear when in close proximity. At this (8/28/2015) time, we are considering what to do with PLT and will reconsider this feature at a later time.

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