Bullet pre-launch trace doesn't show any tracer visual effects

Issue #381 wontfix
Matt Hands created an issue

A successful PLT, i.e. hit something valid and fairly close range, means the bullet projectile never gets spawned. An optimisation, mainly for the network, with the server handling any damage directly from the PLTand telling clients to show relevant hit effects.

This does not include tracer bullets. Fire a weapon with tracers into something within PLT range (about 40m for MGs) and you'll never see a tracer.

Comments (4)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    Easily resolved. Well, not easy & probably not feasible to implement in pre-launch trace, as I'm sure clients will always need a tracer bullet projectile to spawn and go through its flight, to show the tracer visuals. But an easy & effective solution is to move the PLT check to AFTER the "is it time to fire a tracer?" check, so a PLT is only done when a tracer is not being spawned.

  2. Andrew Theel

    The tracer follows the bullet path more accurately than it will a prelaunchtrace?

    If so then yea best to not do a PLT on a tracer round.

  3. Matt Hands reporter

    More the case that a PLT, which is best thought of as an invisible, instantaneous laser beam, just can't handle the concept of a moving, visual object like a tracer. The PLT can correctly work out where and what the tracer will hit, but it can't create a moving tracer effect unless it spawns a tracer actor on each client (which would basically be the same as spawning a bullet actor, so no point).

    It's worth noting that bullets are pretty net efficient anyway, because they are bNetTemporary actors. That means they are torn off as soon as they replicate to a client, with no net channel maintained and no further flow of replicated info. So if tracer bullets skip PLT and always spawn, it's not really a big deal.

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