Whitewashed late StuG uses incorrect destroyed vehicle mesh for early StuG

Issue #389 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

When the whitewashed late StuG (with conical mantlet & remote MG) is destroyed, it switches to the early StuG model, with boxy mantlet and smashed fixed MG.

We don't have a destroyed static mesh for this StuG variant.

Comments (1)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    Fixed in commit 8a4fdc0.

    It would be simple to add another static mesh, using the summer late StuG, re-skinned with whitewashed textures. But it isn't necessary, as we can simply re-skin the summer late StuG in code. I added generic functionality for this a while back. You just add any DestroyedMeshSkins to default properties.

    This is a good example of how it works, without making & saving an extra static mesh. In future we could remove all camo variants of destroyed vehicles using this method.

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