When dead vehicle replicated to client its engine sound & exhaust emitters are on

Issue #393 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

An already dead vehicle can get replicated to a net client, because it becomes relevant to them, e.g. they go within range/sight/hearing of the vehicle actor. The vehicle's engine will be running , audibly and with exhaust fumes being emitted.

The fundamental problem is old, with DH 5.1 showing exhaust emitters in this situation. Although 6.0 also adds the engine sound into the mix, due to the way the engine is now implemented, the root cause it the same.

This is actually a useful bug, because it has shown me how many clientside effects & actors are being pointlessly spawned for a replicated dead vehicle. It's an easy fix, basically skipping a lot of functionality if Health <= 0, and I will include all these unnecessary effects, not just the engine.

Comments (2)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    Fixed in commit 2549910.

    Net client now skips most of PostBeginPlay() & PostNetBeginPlay() if a dead vehicle gets replicated to it, meaning a whole list of effects and other actors don't get spawned.

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