Game is no longer using DHVotingHandler, thus many bugs are back

Issue #417 resolved
Andrew Theel created an issue

I'm not sure when, how, where, etc this began. But I've tested extensively and the game just isn't using the class anymore. I see no reason why this is happening.

Add in logs or whatever to various functions in DHVotingHandler and notice how nothing is run.

I'm at a complete loss on this.

Comments (1)

  1. Colin Basnett

    Fixed in commit 31c36b9.

    Me and @AndrewTheel worked on this to try and determine why it wasn't loading up our game class. Turns out that for some reason, VotingHandlerType was being overwritten to be the engine default of xVotingHandler by the time it got to InitGame, which is where it was needed!

    We tried everything, including adding a specific line to the DarkestHourDev.ini to set it there, but it still didn't work.

    So I went for the nuclear option of just setting the VotingHandlerClass in the defaultproperties of DarkestHourGame and skipping any chance of trying to use the DynamicLoad of VotingHandlerType.

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