Commander's viewport rotation can be misaligned with tank cannon's rotation

Issue #419 resolved
Andrew Theel created an issue

Steps to reproduce:

  • Select crewman
  • Jump into various tanks
  • Switch to turret
  • Rotate at various degrees while firing
  • Notice the misalignment on many but not all tanks

Known turrets: Firefly British Stuart PIVJ Sdkfz234(1) a few if not all others

Comments (5)

  1. Andrew Theel reporter

    We tested more and tested better, apparently it can happen on many more tanks that I first thought. It has to deal with firing while rotating or something. It would not happen at all on some vehicles, but it was a bit touchy to get to happen.

  2. Matt Hands

    Should be fixed in commit 3419a42.

    Includes a new bCamOffsetRelToGunPitch option, for when any camera position offset (ViewLocation) needs to be relative to the cannon's pitch, e.g. for open sights in some AT guns.

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