Infantry uniforms can be seen skinned incorrectly

Issue #430 on hold
Andrew Theel created an issue

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Comments (14)

  1. Colin Basnett

    This seems to be happening much more often than in 5.1. It's often not a persistent problem, meaning that you will typically only see the graphical error for about a half a second before it corrects itself. This might be indicative of some sort of replication issue, though I could be wrong. For what it's worth, the texture the player usually ends up bein skinned with appears to be some sort of skin coloured texture; perhaps it's using the skin texture across all the material slots before replication swoops in and fixes it all?

  2. Andrew Theel reporter

    Well the issue is the UPL file assigning a different mesh to a pawn, when that other mesh have different skin assignments. This is a large issue, because like 50% of the UPL file/pawns assign models to where it mis-matches meshes under the same pawn.

  3. Andrew Theel reporter

    Okay I reverted my attempted fix that failed, though it did fix some of the German pawns, it basically bugged out even more. What I believe needs to be done here is stop the UPL system from failing to apply it's record stuff from the UPL file. When is the Setup() function called that does this? I believe it's called in Possess() all the other calls to the function seemed to not be used, which would explain why it could fail.

    Basically the real underlying issue here is the entire system and design to handle these things. Later we can fix up a proper system that doesn't suck. Perhaps all that needs done for now is to add the skin slot I did add, but only to the problematic pawn and not try to add others slots to all the other pawns like I did. Another attempt could be to edit the UPL files.

    Regardless this is up to someone else to fix.

  4. Andrew Theel reporter

    What needs eventually done is to have a pawn for EACH mesh. Roles can be assigned different pawns, so for instance a German Rifleman role could do SS Trench-coat, Winter smock, and FJ winter. Or whatever, and players could choose what they look like and have limitations, etc.

    For now I need a way to know exactly what roles, pawns, are bugged.

  5. Andrew Theel reporter

    This will be fixed fully and properly one day, for now we can deal with the bug (game is still functional). On hold for now.

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