Panther driver's view is glitched after buttoning up in MP

Issue #455 resolved
Andrew Theel created an issue

I noticed the driver having a strange viewpoint, but others may have also reported issues with other positions. Noticed this on the La Monderie Panther, but not a panther on another map... perhaps it's only a specific Panther type.

Comments (4)

  1. Matt Hands

    Can reproduce. Appears to be problem with any panther driver in MP only, caused when buttoning up after unbuttoning. Not a properties issue and all panthers inherit the same properties, except camo skins.

    Will log ViewTransition and see where it's going wrong.

  2. Matt Hands

    More utter weirdness that I will probably reluctantly have to chalk up to being something that will never be explained logically !

    I have added a sticking plaster hack fix in commit e8fce94.

    In MP only, it seems that the hatch close animation isn't quite finishing on the owning net client, leaving the camera bone slightly short of where it needs to end up. Switching to behind view and back cures it. So does using debug exec ToggleMesh. But it isn't a failure to switch mesh; it's just that those functions switch meshes & effectively cause a bone position reset. Nor is it a camera position offset problem, as no offsets are used in the panther. It's simply that the animation doesn't quite get there. Aaaarrrgh !

    It is nothing to do with exiting state ViewTransition too soon. I have extended the time in VT so that it noticeably exits that state later, but the anim still doesn't complete. And I have logged everything else that can call PlayAnim or LoopAnim on the vehicle, & so may override the playing close anim, but nothing does.

    Nor is it anything to do with the panther meshes & anims having been imported into a DH panther anim file. I have tried reverting to the RO anim file and it makes no difference.

    To resolve it, I think I will modify the hatch close anim to add an extra throwaway frame at the end. Even if it doesn't play, the last but one frame should get the camera to where it needs to be.

    Actually, if I can, I will split the close anim into two, like all other tanks and the like. The panther is the only one that moves from the unbuttoned position down through the interior space and into the driver's periscope position. All others stop in the buttoned position, in an intermediate position, before mousewheeling down to move into the periscope. No idea if that is what is making the panther anim behave differently; no reason why it should.

  3. Matt Hands

    Fixed in commit 3a749dat.

    Added throwaway still frame at end of 71 frame hatch close animation. May later split the anim into 2, as discussed above, but this fixes the bug so closing the issue now.

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