Several allied turrets are off centre, sunken, or clash with the hull mesh.

Issue #485 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

Several are off centre in X and or Y. Some are slightly sunken into the hull. Some clash, sometimes badly, with hull mesh as the turret turns.

Shermans are nearly all affected, with all the problems. M4A1 and especially the 75mm turret are particularly bad. (Suggest both are candidates for a re-make for a future release; they have several issues).

Also Jackson (off centre) and Cromwell (off centre & sunken).

Suspect some problems are caused by modeler/animator assuming turret's 'Turret_placement' bone would attach to hull mesh's 'Turret_placement' bone, but that doesn't happen. An attached actor like a turret is always attached with its own origin on the base actor's attachment bone. Any turret model with it's 'Turret_placement' bone (or other root bone) away from the origin is suspect, as it suggests the modeler/animator may have been trying to use that as an attachment offset, which won't work.

Comments (1)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    Fixed, as far as possible using CannonAttachmentOffset in code, in 3496983.

    Some are good solutions and shouldn't need anything more.

    Some make a bad job better, giving a more centred turret and reducing the mesh clipping on the hull, but are not perfect. They are the best I can do using a coded offset.

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