Vehicle hatch open animations can get stuck open when switching positions during transition animation

Issue #51 resolved
Colin Basnett created an issue

Comments (3)

  1. Matt Hands

    I'm not sure that problem is specifically caused by switching position during transition or that blocking ServerChangeDriverPosition() during ViewTransition cures it. I think the problem is a more general one on exiting any vehicle position, caused by the BeginningIdleAnim (which resets the hatch) is only played on the owning net client (the player leaving the position) and not on other net clients (other viewing players).

    Actually, on checking the code, for a vehicle the idle anim isn't played on switch/exit. Looks like it's only done in a weapon pawn, in state Leaving Vehicle. Regardless, only the owning net client goes into state HandleEnter, so that method only resets the anim for one player - and everyone else sees a different view.

    The solution to that more general problem is to use the DrivingStatusChanged() event, which gets called on all net modes, to play the idle anim on position exit.

    Propose to make that change tomorrow & we'll take a look.

  2. Matt Hands

    Implemented playing idle anim on exit from vehicle or vehicle weapon in commit 8053dca.

    Fixed existing bug to make exit functionality (including idle anim) happen upon player death as well as normal exit in commit e5e529a.

    Implemented change to exiting from tanks or cannons in commit f4177c2.

    Extended exit code to vehicle MGs in commit 6f8bc33.

    Believe this resolves issue, but will leave open for a little while so we can test.

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