Higgins Boat machine gunner cannot be killed with small arms fire

Issue #54 resolved
Andrew Theel created an issue

Gunner on Higgins boat is immortal.

Comments (5)

  1. Matt Hands

    Higgins MG uses the M3 halftrack MG mesh. This does not have any collision, which at a glance would suggest the gunner in an M3 can never be hit - but we know he can.

    This is because some VehicleWeapons flag bKeepDriverAuxCollision=true, which makes the player pawn's DHBulletWhipAttachment retain collision, where normally all collision related to the player pawn is disabled when it is attached to a vehicle or VW (the vehicle/VW's own collision usually takes over).

    Vehicle riders use bKeepDriverAuxCollision, for example, which seems to work ok, but AT guns also use it, which does not work well. I suspect that may be because riders have no VehicleWeapon mesh, while AT guns do & their meshes have collision boxes. The M3 MG is somewhere in between, in that it has an MG mesh, but that mesh has no collision box. So maybe the M3's lack of mesh collision box, which could feasibly interfere with the whip attachment, is why shooting the M3 gunner seems to work.

    Anyway, one obvious issue & possible quick solution: the M3 HT gunner has bKeepDriverAuxCollision, but the Higgins gunner does not. So for now I've simply added bKeepDriverAuxCollision=true to the Higgins, which may well solve the problem. Or at least make it work exactly the same as the M3 gunner hit detection.

    I've actually deleted the Higgins MG class as it was identical to the M3. And I've stripped out most of the Higgins MGPawn and made it extend the M3 (it only adds the gunner's binocs position for the Higgins).

    Needs test with another player to check.

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