ROCriticalMessages do not wrap reliably within message background & display can be screwed up

Issue #89 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

ROCriticalMessages (the type that display on a parchment background) are designed to wrap text, based on a specified MaxMessageWidth (being the proportion of screen width) in the message class.

There is a bug in function ExtraLayoutMessage in ROHud. which sometimes screws this up, resulting in very long single lines of text that go way outside the message window and often off the screen edges.

Also, the function only uses the default maxMessageWidth (0.3) from the ROCriticalMessage class and ignores any alternative value specified in a message subclass.

I have fixed both. Attached screenshots demonstrate the bug and the fixed outcome.

Comments (3)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    This overridden function goes in class DHHud:

    // Matt: modified to correct bug that sometimes screwed up layout of critical message, resulting in very long text lines going outside of message background & sometimes off screen
    simulated function ExtraLayoutMessage(out HudLocalizedMessage Message, out HudLocalizedMessageExtra MessageExtra, Canvas C)
        local  array<string>  Lines;
        local  float          TempXL, TempYL, InitialXL, XL, YL;
        local  int            InitialNumLines, i, j;
        // Hackish for ROCriticalMessages
        if (class'Object'.static.ClassIsChildOf(Message.Message, class'ROCriticalMessage'))
            // Set a random background type
            MessageExtra.background_type = Rand(4);
            // Figure what width to use to break the string at
            InitialXL = Message.DX;
    //      TempXL = Min(InitialXL, C.SizeX * class'ROCriticalMessage'.default.maxMessageWidth); // Matt: replacing by line below to use max width specified in ROCriticalMessage subclass
            TempXL = Min(InitialXL, C.SizeX * class<ROCriticalMessage>(Message.Message).default.maxMessageWidth);
            if (TempXL < Message.DY * 8.0) // only wrap if we have enough text
                MessageExtra.Lines.Length = 1;
                MessageExtra.Lines[0] = Message.StringMessage;
                Lines.Length = 0;
                C.WrapStringToArray(Message.StringMessage, Lines, TempXL);
                InitialNumLines = Lines.length;
                Message.DX = TempXL; // Matt: added to fix problem, so Message.DX is always set, even for the 1st pass
                for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                    TempXL *= 0.8;
                    Lines.Length = 0;
                    C.WrapStringToArray(Message.StringMessage, Lines, TempXL);
                    if (Lines.Length > InitialNumLines)
                        // If we're getting more than InitialNumLines Lines, it means we should use the previously calculated width
                        Lines.Length = 0;
                        C.WrapStringToArray(Message.StringMessage, Lines, Message.DX); // Matt: was sometimes going wrong here, as Message.DX hadn't been set before the 1st pass
                        // Save strings to message array + calculate resulting XL/YL
                        MessageExtra.Lines.Length = Lines.Length;
                        C.Font = Message.StringFont;
                        XL = 0;
                        YL = 0;
                        for (j = 0; j < Lines.Length; j++)
                            MessageExtra.Lines[j] = Lines[j];
                            C.TextSize(Lines[j], TempXL, TempYL);
                            XL = Max(TempXL, XL);
                            YL += TempYL;
                        Message.DX = XL;
                        Message.DY = YL;
                    Message.DX = TempXL; // store temporarily
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