Overhead map spams thousands of "accessed none" errors to log if leveller misses out an objective number

Issue #94 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

HUD function UpdateMapIconLabelCoords fails to do a != none check when looping through objectives. If leveller has skipped an objective number (ObjNum) from the numeric sequence, whenever the overhead map is open it continues to spam thousands of accessed none errors to the client's log.

Fixed by a simple != none check.

Comments (2)

  1. Matt Hands reporter

    This overridden function goes in DHHud to fix:

    // Matt: modified to fix a bug that spams thousands of "accessed none" errors to log, if there is a missing objective number in the array
    simulated function UpdateMapIconLabelCoords(FloatBox label_coords, ROGameReplicationInfo GRI, int current_obj)
        local  int    i, count;
        local  float  new_y;
        // Do not update label coords if it's disabled in the objective
        if (GRI.Objectives[current_obj].bDoNotUseLabelShiftingOnSituationMap)
            GRI.Objectives[current_obj].LabelCoords = label_coords;
        if (current_obj == 0)
            // Set label position to be same as tested position
            GRI.Objectives[0].LabelCoords = label_coords;
        for (i = 0; i < current_obj; i++)
            if (GRI.Objectives[i] == none) // Matt: added to avoid spamming "accessed none" errors
            // Check if there's overlap in the X axis
            if (!(label_coords.X2 <= GRI.Objectives[i].LabelCoords.X1 || label_coords.X1 >= GRI.Objectives[i].LabelCoords.X2))
                // There's overlap! Check if there's overlap in the Y axis.
                if (!(label_coords.Y2 <= GRI.Objectives[i].LabelCoords.Y1 || label_coords.Y1 >= GRI.Objectives[i].LabelCoords.Y2))
                    // There's overlap on both axis: the label overlaps. Update the position of the label.
                    new_y = GRI.Objectives[i].LabelCoords.Y2 - (label_coords.Y2 - label_coords.Y1) * 0.00;
                    label_coords.Y2 = new_y + label_coords.Y2 - label_coords.Y1;
                    label_coords.Y1 = new_y;
                    i = -1; // this is to force rechecking of all possible overlaps to ensure that no other label overlaps with this
                    // Safety
                    if (count > current_obj * 5)
        // Set new label position
        GRI.Objectives[current_obj].LabelCoords = label_coords;
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