more than one patches perr project - only first is applied.

Issue #22 new
Christian Gonzalez created an issue

I have three patches in one project, each in one line:

; @see
projects[workbench_moderation][patch][] = ""

; @see
projects[workbench_moderation][patch][] = ""

; @see
projects[workbench_moderation][patch][] = ""

But when I do a

drush paa

only the first one gets applied, all others are silently ignored. If I use patch-add with each of the patches, they get applied and attached to the make file perfectly, but even then again, using paa, the last two are ignored. Using a fresh drush 7.0-dev, and latest drush-patchfile.

Am I doing something wrong? If not this seems to be a serious bug...

Comments (5)

  1. Dave Reid repo owner

    Very odd. Do you see these patches listed when you do a drush patch-status? Is it possible that it attempts to apply the second and third patches but cannot since there is a conflict caused by the first patch being applied?

  2. Christian Gonzalez reporter

    Oh, funny. a drush ps tells me:

    Project               Patch                                                                                                                    Applied         
     drupal                search-partial_words_hack-498752-19                                                                                      Ja   
     mobile_codes          mobile_codes-modify-block-2227339-8                                                                                      Ja   
     service_links         service_links-2039431                                                                                                    Ja   
     workbench_moderation  workbench_moderation-delete-current-unpublished-revision-1279290-16                                                      Ja   
     workbench_moderation  workbench_moderation-default_moderation_state-1408858-37                                                                 Ja   
     workbench_moderation  workbench_moderation_1240850%2BPublishing%2BUnpublishing%2Ba%2Brevision%2Bchanges%2Bthe%2Bauthor%2Bof%2Bthat%2Brevision  Nein

    So the last workbench_moderation patch was not applied, for whatever reason (maybe not fitting in - but does not matter). When I then do a drush paa:

    Patch already applied to /www/htdocs/[snip]/                                                     [error]
    Patch already applied to /www/htdocs/[snip]/               [error]
    Patch already applied to /www/htdocs/[snip]/                                   [error]
    Patch already applied to                                                       [error]

    So: the first three errors are correct - these patches are applied, and therefore can not be applied again. The 4. one is the first workbench_moderation patch - is not applied because already applied. Correct too. But the other two workbench_moderation patches are silently ignored here.

    Am I doing something wrong?

  3. Christian Gonzalez reporter

    What I have to admit that in the first version, I did not escape the "+" signs in the URL, and this did not work - drush ps told me that it could not download the file. but with %2B in the URLs this problem was gone.

  4. Stephen Barker

    I report the same behavior for local patch files: Any patches on the same project that follow an "already applied" are ignored and skipped to the next project.

    ; Required attributes
    api = 2
    core = 7.x
    projects[drupal][patch][] = "/path/to/sites/all/patches/htaccess.patch"
    projects[event_calendar][patch][] = "/path/to/sites/all/patches/event_calendar_colors-op_not_permitted-2042959-8.patch"
    projects[event_calendar][patch][] = "/path/to/sites/all/patches/event_calendar_8489933_7.patch"
    projects[menu_icons][patch][] = "/path/to/sites/all/patches/menu_icons-flush_css_cache-1293244-5.patch"
    projects[menu_icons][patch][] = "/path/to/sites/all/patches/menu_icons_0.patch"
    projects[views_timelinejs][patch][] = "/path/to/sites/all/patches/views_timelinejs-undefined_index_image_style-2497003-16.patch"
    projects[views_timelinejs][patch][] = "/path/to/sites/all/patches/views_timelinejs-fix-undefined-index-2497003-9.patch"

    event_calendar_colors-op_not_permitted-2042959-8.patch errors with "already applied". event_calendar_8489933_7.patch is ignored (or at least silent) and patchfile skips to menu_icons.

    menu_icons-flush_css_cache-1293244-5.patch errors with "already applied". menu_icons_0.patch is ignored (or at least silent) and patchfile skips to views_timelinejs.

    views_timelinejs-undefined_index_image_style-2497003-16.patch errors with "already applied". views_timelinejs-fix-undefined-index-2497003-9.patch is ignored (or at least silent).

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