Example patches.make is invalid syntax

Issue #24 invalid
Jody Hamilton created an issue

In the README there's an example patches.make file:

# Our project contains patches for both Drupal core and contrib modules/themes.
includes[] = "drupal-org.make"
includes[] = "drupal-org-core.make"

The quotes around the make filenames causes the make file to be broken.

Possibly the # instead of ; for commenting might break things too.

Comments (3)

  1. Dave Reid repo owner

    Hrm, quoting the file paths shouldn't cause an error. Is it just the comment needs to be ; instead of # that would fix it?

  2. Jody Hamilton reporter

    Yeah, sorry, that report is wrong. I thought changing that had fixed it but I'm still getting a problem in my build. Will update when I figure it out.

  3. Jody Hamilton reporter

    Bad report. I got the error "Invalid or empty make file: patches.make" and thought my patches.make file was invalid. It's actually just nonexistent for unrelated reasons.

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