Applying patches on a distribution

Issue #26 new
candela candela created an issue

Hello and sorry for my bad English

I use an Open Atrium distribution where I have applied several patches. Each time that I update I have to reapply all the patches one by one. I learned about Drush Patch File and since I use drush (not expert) I would like to learn it to be able to use it.

My steps (please correct to me on what I do bad :)

  • I created a patches.make empty file in the Drupal root directory.

  • I created a drushrc.php in Drupal root directory with $options['patch-file'] = 'patches.make';

  • I have added davereid-drush-patchfile-adbc5ecd1f17 folder to ~/.drush folder in my user Ubuntu home.

  • I have cleared cache drush cache-clear drush

When I try to add a patch with drush patch-add drupal

The patch is applied, but I get this error

file_put_contents(): Filename cannot be empty [warning] Unable to append to file .

Sure that I am making something wrong because I am learning the make mechanism. Any help will be welcome and thanks for your generous work :)

Comments (7)

  1. candela candela reporter

    I copied the drushrc.php to ~/.drush and now works. At the moment I am very excited to be able to add all the patches, so I go to practice. Thanks for the tool!!!

    I wanted to make it well and I tried the command in the project folder

    drush patch-project project_name /var/www/project_name --patch-file /var/www/project_name/patches.make

    it stays for long without finishing ever (I have to ctrl+c)

    Thanks for any tips

  2. Dave Reid repo owner

    @candela You can manually change the format after it's been added. Using the node ID of the patch only works for patches that are on issues, and fails when you need to apply more than one patch from the same node ID. I've generally found that I encounter less typing or unintentional errors by not putting any patch number in that part of the line.

  3. candela candela reporter

    I used in patches from Anyway, writting those numbers is nothing. So thanks for many hours that you have given to me with this tool. I will follow what else you make :)

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