Can not apply patch on sub-module

Issue #32 resolved
Roman Gudev created an issue

Patch.make content:

; Only last variable value saves in Domain Conf
; see
projects[domain_conf][patch][] = ""

Output: Cannot apply patch to /var/www/drupal_base/web/sites/sday_lom_rf-mul/modules/_lomdorogo-lib/domain/domain_conf.

But I've successfully appled this patch via tortoisegit.

Comments (11)

  1. Sergej Burbach

    mybe you should try

    projects[domain][patch][] = ""
  2. Dave Reid repo owner

    @axuet Is correct, because the patch is generated to be applied to the domain module root itself (since domain_conf is a sub-module of it), the patch should be listed to be applied to the domain module, not domain_conf.

  3. Bouchra NA

    Hello , i have the same issue :

    ; Media and WYSIWYG combo cause content to dissapear for multi-value fields
    ; @see
    projects[media_wysiwyg][patch][] = ""

    any idea ?

  4. Sergej Burbach

    Same here:

    projects[media][patch][] = ""
  5. Bouchra NA

    The same error:

    Cannot apply patch to /var/www/html/www/sites/all/modules/contrib/media.                            [error]
  6. Sergej Burbach

    Bad patch. The patches should be generated relative to the main module and not to the submodule. This patch is generated relative to the submodule.

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