Inconsistent highlighting behaviour on Browse results page

Issue #23 resolved
Nicolás Palopoli created an issue

Inspecting the results in the “Browse” page for DEG_MDM2_SWIB_1, the first article listed (“Structural convergence of unstructured p53 family transactivation domains in MDM2 recognition.") highlights “ p53” (with a space in the front). The same is done for other terms such as “ p63” and “ (TAD”.

However, for the second article in the list ("The Mdm2 oncoprotein interacts with the cell fate regulator Numb."), the highlighted term is “p53” (no space in front).

(The behaviour is not related to a specific article, as there are highlighted term in the first paper with no space before, and others highlighted in the second paper that do have a space first).

Is it a matter of how the terms are recognized by the NLP toolkit? (if so, it may be worth checking again how spaces are managed).

Or, maybe it is just a rendering error on the website?

Comments (2)

  1. Norman Davey repo owner

    Nope nothing to do with the NLP all done on the front end in the browser.

    Now it’s fixed.

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