Allow user to annotate ELM class and adress Curation group at once

Issue #27 new
Nicolás Palopoli created an issue

On the Classify/Submit page, at the bottom the Submit option allows to “submit the article for addition as a curated functional IDR-related articles”. One drop-down list is provided where the user can select one of the accepted ELM classes, or address a certain Curation group.

I would suggest that the ELM class selection and Curation group be split into two drop-down lists. This would allow the user to simultaneously propose an ELM class for the entry, but call the attention of the proper curation group for confirmation.

Comments (2)

  1. Norman Davey repo owner

    This can be added later.

    A user can add multiple tags to a classification.

    Added “Select a class(es) or group(s)” to the drop down.

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