Essay writing can be done in different ways. There are descriptive essays, there are exploratory essays and there are explanatory essays. Let us discuss a little about the essay writer. Descriptive writing can be defined as an essay that provides the reader with a clear and on-point narration of the issues being discussed in the essay. A descriptive essay intends to provide concise information on the people, places, or things that are to be discussed.
This type of essay writer uses the reader’s imagination and the power of his words to draw a clear picture in the mind of the reader. It allows the reader to get a glimpse of the writer’s mind and experience the event as if it were a part of it. Descriptive writing is the most commonly used way of writing especially when it comes to writing autobiographies, poetry, journals, etc. Descriptive writing is most beneficial to students who are starting their writing journey. It helps in learning new words and learning new ways of describing things. For example, it helps to describe a smell, scenery, or journey. It allows students to learn to describe them in detail and with more sophisticated vocabulary.
There is now a Dissertation Writing Services available that allows students to get their essays written by people who are experts in writing papers by giving an average amount of money as charges. It helps students to feel less burden of studies and allows them to focus on other subjects and also on extra-curricular activities.
Coming to the topic of “Things that annoy me”, there are several things that annoy me but if we were to talk about all of them then we might be here all day. So starting with the thing that annoys me the most, is Gender Discrimination. To describe it in layman's terms, gender discrimination is treating someone differently, usually in a bad manner, because of their gender. This discrimination can occur in any domain of life, for example in academics, in workplace opportunities, in athletics or in grading, etc.
Gender discrimination can be of different kinds. It is not limited to discrimination in schools or the workplace but also on the thesis writing service. Gender discrimination expands into its many forms such as sexual harassment. This is based on the person’s perception of the events of the incident. Another kind of discrimination can be in the form of verbal and also physical harassment. In most cases, this type of discrimination can be spotted in the conduct of the people in senior positions. For example, A panel might hire only men associates. A teacher might favor only female students in terms of grading. A school might only allow boys to play games such as basketball and football
In most workplaces, the female staff has to face discrimination on many accounts at the hands of their supervisors. Supervisors have a knack for misusing their power and ask their junior to be free essay writer as I have so much to do’. There are so many factors that work against them, they are always considered as being ‘less’ than men but they still manage to stand tall after all of it. Here are a few factors where women are discriminated against.
Less Pay Than Men Counterparts
It is no surprise that women work harder than men, they study more than men and have more degrees as compared to men. Yet they are not paid as much as men are paid. Statistics from business insiders show that women earn 20% less than men. Institute for Women’s Policy Research shows that for every $1 that a man makes, a woman is making 49 cents. So a woman is basically earning 50% of what a man is making for the same exact work, or sometimes it might be more. It is true when they say, ‘it pays to be a man’ because it literally does.
Facing Sexual Harassment
While it has not been talked about enough, sexual harassment is one of the most common obstacles that women face in their workplace. It used to be considered taboo talking about such an incident but the #MeToo movement has brought a change that has allowed many women to discuss their experiences without having to fear losing their job. According to a survey that was conducted in 2018, 38% of women have faced sexual harassment in the workplace. But sexual harassment is not limited to the workplace. Women all around the world face verbal, physical, or sexual harassment at some point in their life. The same survey found out that 81% of women have experienced some form of harassment in their life, and these are cases that have been reported. There are numerous cases of harassment that go unreported due to fear of being judged, or fear of being discriminated against, or fear of losing their job. Women have faced more discrimination and have been judged after they reported a case of harassment.
Racism is a very old issue and one that many people are uncomfortable discussing. Many African Americans have faced extremely high levels of racism at the hands of white supremacists. Racism is an issue that is not limited to females, men have equally if not more, experienced racism in all aspects of life. Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Brown people have faced racism for how they look, how they speak and write my essay for me. It is a never-ending issue. Although the level of racism that exists now is very different from what it used to be, it still exists. In the 1940s, 60% of black women used to work as servants in white people’s houses while the number is now 2.2%. In 1958, a large number of white people, almost 44%, declared that they would shift houses in case a black family came into the neighborhood; this number has drastically decreased today.
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