Make Documentation URL a link

Issue #2 resolved
Anton Coetzee created an issue

When the plug-in generates/updates the content for the macro Code Page after an edit, it should make the Documentation URL field a link. This will make it useful to browse to the associated macro documentation for example in a Page Properties Report of pages tagged with user-macros.

This can be achieved by manually editing the Code Page Body Template code, but it should be the default behaviour.

Comments (6)

  1. Davin Studer repo owner

    How would you envision the link? Would it just be the word “Documentation” as a link or would it be the full URL as a link?

  2. Davin Studer repo owner

    This is changed in version 1.3.1. I have changed the default template. If you want the change you will need to manually change your template. Below is what I changed in the template.


        <th colspan="1">Documentation URL</th>
        <td colspan="1">##DOCUMENTATION_URL##</td>


        <th colspan="1">Documentation URL</th>
        <td colspan="1"><a href="##DOCUMENTATION_URL##">Documentation for ##MACRO_TITLE##</a></td>

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