Option to run system commands from automagically

Issue #56 new
Former user created an issue


It would be great to have the option of creating 'devices' that run shell scripts on the system, write to a file or fetch a web page.

This would be sort of the opposite of the data fetcher, giving a way to trigger software action when some sensor reach a certain value are or a switch is trigerred.

Example: when I 'double click' on off on the remote next to my bed, automagically turns off all lights in the house. It would be great if it could as well run a script that scans the network and turn off computers that I forgot to shutdow.

Comments (3)

  1. Hammes

    +1 An option like this could also trigger ssh commands to shutdown/hibernate other computers in the network, as a very simple option send a suhtdown command in a 1liner

  2. Thomas Augustsson

    This feature would open up a world of use cases. My closest project where this would be useful is to put a nexa remote next to my light switches to control the sonos audio in that room using a simple sonos python wrapper.

    I would love to implement this myself but I did not fully get my head around what needs to be implemented looking at the code. Some pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.

  3. Thomas Augustsson

    Just want to share a the plugin I made to make this happen.

    This is the code I put in sites/plugins/command.py

    from django.db import models
    import signals.models
    import Queue
    import os
    from settings.models import getSettings
    PLUGIN_NAME = 'command'
    debug = False
    workQueue = Queue.Queue()
    global currentSettings
    currentSettings = {}
    def signalHandler(signal):
        global currentSettings
        if not currentSettings or signal.content.strip() == PLUGIN_NAME + ',configuration,changed':
            currentSettings = getSettings(PLUGIN_NAME)
            print 'configuration updated'
            print currentSettings
        if signal.content == 'terminate':
        elif signal.content.startswith('command:'):
    def threadFunc():
        keepRunning = True
                command = workQueue.get()
                if command == None:
                    print 'Got a none from command workQueue'
                    keepRunning = False
                if debug:
                    print 'Runnning command'
                    print 'Command:', command
                print 'Error executing command command'
                if debug:
    def init():

    With this plugin it is possible to run any script with the signal: "command:/path/to/command"

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