read_config fails

Issue #44 resolved
Johan Lasses created an issue

I have some problems importing my tellstick.conf with the /read_config url. I saw that you wanted some errorlog from that.

Here is the config and the error log.


Comments (5)

  1. David Karlsson repo owner

    It seems like there are some new things in the configuration file that is not documented.

    If you want to get the import to work, open your tellstick.conf and replace the following: selflearning-switch:proove to selflearning-switch

    selflearning-switch:nexa to selflearning-switch

  2. Johan Lasses reporter

    Yeah! I just figured out what to change.

    This is the way TellusCenter stores the device today: device { id = 50 name = "name" controller = 0 protocol = "arctech" model = "arctech;selflearning-switch:proove" parameters { # devices = "" house = "24673278" unit = "14" code = "0000000000" system = "1" # units = "" fade = "false" } }

    This is how read_config wants it to look. Need to clean Code and remove protocol from model.

    device { id = 50 name = "name" controller = 0 protocol = "arctech" model = "selflearning-switch:proove" parameters { # devices = "" house = "24673278" unit = "14" code = "" system = "1" # units = "" fade = "false" } }

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