USB keyboard not working, resolution wrong

Issue #65 new
Frode Lynum created an issue

Hi. Just populated my sd-card with your image, but when I try to boot the RPI up, it spits an error and then give me the option to log in. But the keyboard will not work. No led's for CapsLock, NumLock or Scroll Lock work. Tried to install latest Raspberry image, everything works flawless. Downloaded image again and unpacked, formatted a new sd-card 32GB and put your image on it, same all over again, no keyboard. Tried with 2 other keyboards, no go.

Screen resolution ended up way to low (massive letters), tried to change the settings in the config, but until now i have not ended up with anything good (monitor native res: 1920x1080). I had to change the HDMI settings just to get any picture at all.

Any suggestions? Is there a tutorial for installing your project on a plain raspbian wheezy (2015-05-05-raspbian-wheezy.img)?

I am really hoping this system of yours will suit my needs, looks great.

System: RPI B+, 32GB SDHC SanDisk SD-card, ASUS VK278 monitor, Std 102key scandinavian keyboard. Image used: automagically_20131129.img

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