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CS5220-S14 / ipython-htc

Using IPython with HTCondor

Without MPI

You can use IPython.parallel on C4 with HTCondor as follows:

  1. Load the anaconda module.
  2. Run the script (under the class script directory, which is in your path). This will set up an htc profile under IPython for you.
  3. From the head node, run ipcluster start --n=4 --profile=htc. This will launch four engines on the cluster using HTCondor. You may, of course, change the number of engines to suit yourself.

Now, in a different window, start ipython and run

from IPython.parallel import Client
c = Client(profile="htc")

If everything worked correctly, you should see

[0, 1, 2, 3]

As a simple example of how the IPython.parallel interface can be used, see the Monte-Carlo pi example.

With MPI

You can also use MPI with a similar setup to the one described above:

  1. Load the anaconda module.
  2. Run the script (under the class script directory, which is in your path). This will set up an mpi profile under IPython for you.
  3. From the head node, run ipcluster start --n=4 --profile=mpi. This will launch four engines on the cluster using HTCondor.

With this configuration, you can do anything that you could do with the configuration without MPI; you can also make MPI calls.

Note that you can also use MPI with ordinary Python without setting up an IPython profile or running the ipcluster program. Just create a Python program that uses mpi4py and launch it like any other MPI program.
