
Clone wiki

CS5220-S14 / visit-setup

Using VisIt on C4

The VisIt package from LLNL is a very nice visualization framework. The recommended method for running VisIt is in client-server mode. This means:

  1. You probably want passwordless ssh set up!
  2. Install VisIt on your local machine. Use the standard defaults.
  3. Start VisIt on your machine.
  4. Go to "Options / Host Profiles and Configuration Setups".
  5. Create a new profile with the nickname C4. The remote hostname is, and your user name is your netid. Check the "tunnel data connections through ssh" box for the data connection.
  6. Apply the setting, and make sure you use "Options / Save Settings" to get it to stick.

Now you can open a file on C4 for visualization as normal; just choose "C4" rather than "localhost" in the "open file" dialog.
