Allow use of DURING in JQL to determine quantity for range

Issue #1 resolved
Alan Olmanson created an issue

I would like to graph something like:

project = cpq and fixVersion changed from 2.0 during ("2016/04/01", "2016/04/08")

where the during range is substituted out for the periods in the graph.

Comments (7)

  1. boydo repo owner

    @alanolmanson_fpx - I added an optional "Cutoff date" to the UI, you should see it on the next page refresh.

    So for your example if you use the following settings: Cutoff date: 2016/04/08 Days previously: 7

    and use your JQL query, then it should work as you request.

    Please re-open if this is not correct cheers

  2. Alan Olmanson reporter

    @dboyd-atl The cutoff date looks like it could be useful.

    However, I think I didn't explain what I was looking for very will. I'd like to be able to use the "fixVersion Changed" to be the "Time Series Field" of the Data Set. Where fixVersion could be any field that supports history operators.

    I'm not sure how the JQL would need to be, if it would need to be something like project = cpq and fixVersion changed from 2.0 during (%START_RANGE%, %END_RANGE%) where the plugin replaces %START_RANGE%, %END_RANGE%.

    But the results that would be graphed would be something like:

    Week 1 (based on the period and previous days) : 30 Week 2 : 10 Week 3: 45 Week 4 : 1 ...

  3. boydo repo owner

    @alanolmanson_fpx Hmmm this is a tricky one.

    Just confirming that what you ask for is not currently supported. I am working on adding a solution for this, but it may be a few days ..

  4. boydo repo owner

    @alanolmanson_fpx This has been implemented and released to production

    The JQL required for your example is: "project = cpq and fixVersion changed from 2.0"

    The add-on will perform multiple JQL queries, appending " DURING (X, Y)" to the JQL query substituting X and Y as appropriate.

  5. Alan Olmanson reporter

    Thanks David. That works well. For documentation purposes it should be noted out that you need to select "None" for the "Time Series Field" on the data set for this to work.

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