Burndown chart

Issue #103 resolved
Bete Lopes created an issue

Hi David,

I am trying to use this plug-in to create a burndown chart with subtasks in Jira, but I didn’t have successful.

I am using Time Series Field = None; Y-axis = Story Points and JQL = project = SJPT AND issuetype in subTaskIssueTypes(), but the data on plot is zero. I am trying to change Y-axis to another data, but is zero too.

When I use created issue in Time Series Field the data shows, but it is not a burndown chart.

I would like to know how use this plugin. Can you help me?


Comments (10)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Hi @Bete Lopes
    Your JQL might need a “WAS IN” clause.

    project = SJPT AND issuetype was in subTaskIssueTypes()

    Does that help?

  2. Bete Lopes reporter

    Hi @Davide Di Domenico

    unfortunately not yet
    does this plug-in work with next-gen projects?

  3. j.lambert


    I’m trying myself as well to display a Burndown chart with the task.

    My JQL is: project = BO AND issuetype in subTaskIssueTypes() AND Sprint in openSprints() AND status was in ("To Do", "In Progress")

    The result looks like:

    As you see it is not displaying a line from top to bottom like I would like to have.

    Options are:

    Daily - Active sprint - Board

    Datasets are:

    Line - None (sum of existing issues) - Y-axis (Issue count)

    I started with an amount of +- 100 tasks and I remain now 26 opens

  4. boydo repo owner

    Hi, apologies for the late response, I only maintain this in my spare time when I can.
    I’m not sure what you mean by you want a line “from top to bottom”?
    Could you explain a bit more pls?

  5. j.lambert


    no problems, I was trying to check myself using the code but I can’t properly understand where is the algorithm to calculate the chart data.

    I’m looking something like this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/report/dashboards/media/sprint-burndown/sprint-burndown-widget.png?view=azure-devops

    typically the line displayed in the chart starts from the top left and finished “ideally” on the bottom right.

    Like I said for the given examples, I started with an amount of 100 tasks in “TODO” and finished the sprint with a remaining 26 tasks in “TODO” or “IN PROGRESS”

    But I cannot achieve to display this on the chart.

  6. j.lambert

    I think a JQL like that: project = BO AND issuetype in subTaskIssueTypes() AND Sprint = "BO Sprint 2021-11" AND status was not in ("Done")

    should work but the result is not exactly the same that I want.

    what is the during added ? By day ?

    like that:

    project = BO AND issuetype in subTaskIssueTypes() AND Sprint = "BO Sprint 2021-11" AND status was not in ("Done") during("2021/05/25 00:00","2021/05/25 23:59")

  7. boydo repo owner

    Assuming you have “Daily” selected on the “Chart Dates” tab, then the resulting JQL query would be something like this:

    project = DEMO AND Sprint in openSprints() AND status was in ('To Do', 'In Progress') DURING ("2017-03-14 23:03", "2017-03-15 23:03")

    ie. The day changes, but the hours:minutes is set to the local time

    You could try running the JQL in the Jira issue search and seeing if you get the expected results.

    The only thing I can think of is that maybe there are other issue statuses that need to be included?

  8. j.lambert

    Hello @boydo ,

    I used the Jira issue search and found that opensprints was taken also other sprint.

    I have added additional filters and now it is working fine:

    Thank you for your amazing work !!


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