Burn down chart for hours remaining

Issue #111 new
Ilia Kassianenko created an issue


We are running into error while trying to obtain the Burn down chart for hours remaining, while using Tempo for time tracking.

Comments (5)

  1. boydo repo owner

    okay, can I get a bit more info please?
    For example are you able to share your chart config and a screenshot?

  2. Ilia Kassianenko reporter

    Time spent appears to be be showing cumulative, is this intended ?

    Remaining hours appear to be null, although they should vary though the progression of the project.

  3. boydo repo owner

    Yes, I see what you mean. I don’t think there’s any ideal way to support this as the underlying JQL in Jira won’t return “time spent” per-week.

    You could try removing “Closed” from the list of statuses from the “Time Spent” query but that won’t necessary be accurate on a week-by-week basis …

  4. Ilia Kassianenko reporter

    Thank you for your feedback, is there an alternate configuration or JQL, which can be used to see the burndown of remaining hours ?

  5. boydo repo owner

    Sorry, no. I’m not aware of any way to achieve this. Perhaps Tempo might be able to suggest something?

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