Gadgets with chart style "C3" not loading

Issue #117 resolved
Igor Strba created an issue

Hi guys,

There is an issue with all our dashboards using gadget javascript-charts-for-jira-cloud with chart style “C3” - gadgets are not loading/displaying any data. Other chart styles (ChartJS, Plotly) are working fine. I tried it in Chrome, IE, Edge & Firefox, but the result is the same in all web browsers.

It was working yesterday.


Comments (7)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Thanks! I still couldn’t reproduce, but I’ve made a small update to the code to be safer in that section.
    Are you able to try a hard-refresh and let me know if there’s any change pls?

  2. boydo repo owner

    Thank you very much Igor. I really appreciate your bug report.
    Please accept my apologies. I review my test coverage to prevent it happening again.

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