Request to graph based on field value like story point.

Issue #12 wontfix
Elung Wu created an issue

I can graph based on issue count. It will be great to graph based on values in the field like story points.

Comments (10)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Hi @elu Can you describe in detail the graph you'd like to generate, please? In particular are you looking to plot "How many issues exist on a certain date with X story points?" (this should already be possible, by crafting a clever JQL query)

  2. Elung Wu Account Deactivated reporter

    I will like a graph where X axis is the date and Y axis is the cumulative total of the story points field with this JQL:

    project = demo and "Story Points" is not empty AND status was not in ("Accepted")

    • On 1/1/16, 1st issue = story points = 3, 2nd issue = story points = 5, 3rd issue = story points = 3. Graph will show 1/1/16 with 11 story points.
    • On 1/2/16, 1st issue = story points = 3, 2nd issue = story points = 5. Graph will show 1/2/16 with 8 story points.
    • On 1/3/16, 1st issue = story points = 3. Graph will show 1/3/16 with 3 story points.
  3. Elung Wu Account Deactivated reporter

    Just to be clear:

    • On 1/1/16, all issues are not accepted.
    • On 1/2/16, the 3rd issue has been accepted.
    • On 1/3/16, the 2nd issue has been accepted.
    • The graph becomes a story point burn down chart.
  4. Kacper Mazek

    @eluwu I am looking for that feature as well. Jira is not providing simple project/release burndown charts where PO/Admin can manipulate with data. Javascript charts and StoryPoint summary could add this possibility.

  5. boydo repo owner

    I was just looking at how this could be implemented. But it appears that JIRA Software supports burndown charts with story points.

    Do you have JIRA Software installed?

  6. Elung Wu Account Deactivated reporter

    I do have JIRA Software. It only does burndown chart of a current sprint. Past sprints will not be available.

  7. boydo repo owner

    @eluwu Using JIRA Software I am able to view burndown charts of past sprints based on story points. I access it via the "Reports" tab on the left hand sidebar of the Agile board. The URL I end up at is: https://<my-hostname>

  8. Elung Wu Account Deactivated reporter

    Oh, that is only one sprint at a time, and not in a dashboard with other reports.

  9. Elung Wu Account Deactivated reporter

    Also, once this capability exists, I can do burn down based on any field and not limited to just sprint field.

  10. boydo repo owner

    Hi @eluwu and @kmazek

    Thanks for the feature request, but I'm afraid I've decided not to implement this. The extra work required to allow story points to be graphed is quite substantial, and I don't believe the feature would get much widespread use.

    Also, because JIRA Software supports "almost" everything you are asking for here, I think that the best long-term solution is for you to raise that as a feature request of JIRA Software. That product (as opposed to my simple add-on) is better placed to provide the functionality you require here...

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