Error in JQL Query: The IN operator does not support the use of the during (startOfDay(), endOfDay()) predicate.

Issue #128 new
Former user created an issue


I want to create a burndown-like chart to show the remaining estimate for all issues that fit a given query (see below).

project in (1, 2, ) AND "product(s)[Checkboxes]" not in (a) AND type not in (Sub-task, Subtask)

For some reason the chart is throwing the following error: Error in JQL Query: The NOT_IN operator does not support the use of the during (startOfDay(), endOfDay()) predicate.

The query in itself is just fine and is also used for other purposes. Any idea how to solve this?

Comments (4)

  1. Niels Finkenflugel

    When using ‘was in’ or ‘was not in’ as suggested in one of the other issues does not solve the problem

  2. boydo repo owner

    For a burndown chart I think you might need a field that changes over time. For example would it make sense to append to your above query a check on the status field?

    ... AND status was in (Open, ...)

  3. Niels Finkenflugel

    Thank you for your response!

    Yes, this indeed seems to work a bit better. Although the values that the chart are showing does not seem to match with the values that I get when running the query in search.

    For instance:

    running the query: project in (SGL, VDL, "CS") AND "product(s)[Checkboxes]" not in (a) AND type not in (Sub-task) AND sprint in openSprints() and status was in (open)

    results in: 28 tickets with a total remaining estimated time of 2457000

    the chart shows 245.7k at start (which is the value that I get when running the query now) and 183.8k now (no idea where this comes from….)

    Side question: how does the y-scaling factor work? Since the time is in seconds and I want to display hours, I need to scale by 1/36000 (0.00027778) but that does not seem to work like that

  4. boydo repo owner

    Hi Niels,

    Apologies, as its really hard to investigate data when there’s no way for me to access your site.

    To generate the chart, the app appends a ... DURING (<date1>, <date2>) to the JQL query, and runs this multiple times in order to plot the data on the chart.

    So the different results come from running the query with different values for date1 and date2

    If you are familiar with the chrome developer tools, you can look at the network tab and see what values were used for the dates, and what the results were, and then it might be more obvious why those values are different

    Regarding the y-scaling factor, it's been a while since I worked on the app, but here are the docs (below), so possibly you just need to enter 36000 for this value?



    Y scaling factor

    Default Value: 1

    Some values in Jira are stored as seconds. This field allows division of the Y axis by a scaling factor. eg. To convert seconds to mins = 60


    • factor [number][4] value to divide by (min: 1)

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