Plugin does not seem to work

Issue #131 new
Former user created an issue

I have installed the plugin and went through the wiki pages, tried to replicate the three examples. When I tried the burndown chart (by story points) but replacing story points by original estimate or remaining estimate or sum of OE, or sum of RE , nothing works. I end up with a flat line at zero. If using the time scale (i.e. created) I do get the number I need (original estimate or remaining estimate) at the date the issues are created. I tried with only one issues containing subtasks to be sure, I can get the sum of original estimate at the time the issue was created, but in any case whenever I go back to the time axis selection to 'none (sum of all issues)' I end up with a flatline.

As this is what I am looking for (a flexible way to do a burndown chart as the OOTB one does not fit my need), I cannot seem to find a way to make it work...

Please advise.

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