JavaScript chart appears to show unnecessary scroll bars

Issue #135 new
Bill Sheboy created an issue


Regardless of the dashboard layout or browser zoom, this gadget seems to show scroll bars, particularly the vertical bar.

Steps to repro:

  1. create/edit a dashboard
  2. add the JavaScript gadget
  3. select the C3 style and light theme
  4. select some dates, such as biweekly and a few months in the paste, and a cutoff date
  5. add a couple of data sets with JQL, using the stacked bar type, and plotting by Story Points and Resolved date
  6. save your gadget and observe the results

Expected Results:

The gadget displays on the dashboard without scroll bars, scaled as needed to fit the dashboard panel layout.

Actual Results:

The vertical scroll bar always displays. The horizontal scroll bar intermittently displays, regardless of the page zoom or the dashboard layout.


None that consistently work. Refreshing the page or data will sometimes remove the horizontal bar, but not always.