Plot total count of issues that match filter over time

Issue #18 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi, I want to be able to show the total count of issues that match a certain filter (eg, not closed) per day for the past x number of days.

I'm trying to use the line chart type with the time series field set to none but it just shows 0.

How can I get this to work? I couldn't find any documentation that said how use this library really

Comments (7)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Hi @robormond,

    Sorry for the delay. You're 100% correct. The documentation is terrible. I'm trying to update it at the moment, but it's hard to find time. Hopefully this week! To answer your question, these are the options you probably want:

    Period: Daily

    Days Previously: 7 (or however many days you want)

    Time Series Field: None

    JQL: project = TEST and status was not Closed

    (swapping TEST for your project key, or omitting that part of the search to include all projects)

    Please let me know if that doesn't do what you want. Right, back to the docs!

    cheers, David

  2. Rob Ormond

    Hi David, That was basically what I had tried (sorry should have included the query I was using).

    I've simplified it now to "status was not shipped" as the whole query and this is what it produces.


    This is not correct. It is not going up each day when new tickets have been created, it is only dropping as tickets reach "shipped" status. It is almost as if it is tracking the status of the tickets as they existed either at the start or end of the timeseries, rather than what the total was per day for every ticket.

    I hope that makes sense, basically I would expect over the course of the 14 days in that chart the tickets would go up a bit, then down as a bunch hit shipped status, then slowly go up again, then down when a bunch hit shipped...

  3. boydo repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Thanks Rob. Reopening this issue. I can reproduce this on my test instance, but wasn't able to figure out where the problem is. Still investigating ...

  4. boydo repo owner

    Hi again @robormond I think I understand it now, it's a bit annoying. It seems that issues that didn't exist at a certain date, and hence had no status (at that date) are included in the results returned by a query containing "status was NOT".

    The solution, that worked for me, was to change the query to "status was", instead of "status was NOT" and include all the other statuses. ie: project = TEST and status was in ("Triage", "Open", "In Progress", "To Do" ... etc)

    A bit painful, but it works for me

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