Losing configuration

Issue #23 resolved
Rob Ormond created an issue

Hi, I have a few (4) different charts set up on my JIRA dashboard. Twice now in the past week or so, I've gone to the dashboard and all the configuration of the 4 different charts has been lost and I've had to set them back up again. Basically I am presented with the settings screen completely blank as if I just added the gadget to my dashboard.

Not sure what is causing the settings to be lost, but as I want to add more and more charts over time it isn't ideal. A chart gadget on a different dashboard did not lose its configuration at the same time though.

Cheers, Rob

Comments (12)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Hi @robormond Thanks for reporting this.

    I've had various dashboards on various JIRA instances for the last week since you reported this, and haven't seen it reproduced yet. If you spot any kind of pattern that would help me reproduce it please let me know.

    It does sound like it could be related more to the JIRA Cloud software, rather than my add-on, though. Hopefully I'll be able to reproduce it soon, and file a bug report with JIRA

  2. Rob Ormond reporter

    Hi David, It has happened once more since my original post, but I have no idea what triggers it. Can't think of anything common between the times when it has happened..


  3. boydo repo owner

    Adding notes for myself, as this one looks tricky:

    From code inspection, currently the only way this situation can happen if the REST api call to the JIRA instance returns a 400 or 404.

    400: the dashboard id is not valid, from the description this sounds unlikely. 404: the dashboard gadget id is not valid, this also sounds unlikely as it failed for all charts on the dashboard, not just one

    The only other causes of a 404 are if the user doesn't have permissions to view the dashboard, the login expired, or if the dashboard was moved or copied. But it doesn't sound like any of those are occurring.

    Still trying to reproduce ...

  4. Rob Ormond reporter

    Next time it happens I'll pay closer attention to if my login expired as that is the only thing I can think is possible in my scenario

  5. Joanne Giammo

    I have been following this issue because I am losing configuration as well.
    I was able to come up with some consistency. In my case the data in the gadget gets lost once I edit another gadget on my Dashboard (ex: Two-Dimensional, Created vs. Resolved) My browser is Firefox

  6. boydo repo owner

    @KWI-Joanne : Yes!!! You are correct. I can reproduce this everytime. It looks like saving a new configuration for some of the Atlassian Gadgets (Created vs Resolved, Two Dimensional Filter) wipes the configuration of other gadgets on the dashboard. (Not just this add-on, I tested with a few other Connect add-ons and they all lose their config).

    So, not a bug in my code at least. I'll report this to Atlassian, and keep this ticket updated ...

  7. Rob Ormond reporter

    This could be what was affecting me too, as every now and then I may change one of the other widgets, but not often! Thanks Joanne and David.

  8. Joanne Giammo

    Thank you very much David and Rob for your replies :)
    I will be watching and voting for JRA-62618

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