Graph not working as expected

Issue #28 resolved
Paul Merrill created an issue

I'm trying to build a graph of incidents over time and I'm using Time series field = None JQL = project IN (IMS) AND type in (Defect, Issue) AND (Resolution = Unresolved OR Resolution != "Change Request") AND Status WAS NOT "Closed"

What I'm getting is a chart that starts high (777) and goes low (193). On the date, there was never 777 defects in week one. For some reason it is appearing cummulative.


Comments (4)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Hi @pmerrill59

    JQL can be confusing.

    Making some assumptions about what you want to graph, does this work? project IN (IMS) AND type in (Defect, Issue) AND Resolution WAS NOT "Change Request" AND Status WAS NOT "Closed"

    If not, I'm afraid I might need a short paragraph on what the "graph of incidents" needs to show exactly. Then, I think I might be able to provide the right query for you.

    Another thing that might be useful, is that JQL has some funny behaviour when using "WAS NOT" or "!=" when doing historical searches. I normally avoid this by listing every state explicitly in a list, ie. resolution was in ('fixed', 'invalid' ... etc.) rather than use "WAS NOT"... even though its painful

    Hope this helps!

  2. Paul Merrill reporter

    Ok, looks much better but a little different and I'd like to understand why.

    If I run the following JIRA filter, project = IMS AND type in (Defect, Issue, Task) AND Status in (NEW, OPEN, REOPENED, "IN PROGRESS", RESOLVED) AND (Resolution = Unresolved OR Resolution != "Change Request")

    I get a list of 216 defects as at "right now".

    If I run the following JQL, project IN (IMS) AND type in (Defect, Issue, Task) AND (Resolution WAS NOT "Change Request") AND Status WAS IN (NEW, OPEN, REOPENED, "IN PROGRESS", RESOLVED)

    then I get the following graph Capture.PNG

    The very last bar says 222.

    I'm curious that "right now" there are 216 but JQL for the week says 222. Why the difference?

  3. boydo repo owner

    You might get a few more issues returned because the add-on appends "DURING (X,Y)" to the JQL query to get a total for the week. So it will return any issue that matched the query at any point in the week.

    Whereas running the same query in JIRA (thumbsup for doing that) it will get an instantaneous snapshot at the exact moment the query was run, so an issue that matched the query yesterday, but not today, will not show up ...

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